Filtration Systems Filter Vessels are designed to filter liquids under pressure, in accordance with the temperature and pressure restrictions stamped on the nameplate. The following procedures are mandatory for all users operating our Filter Vessels. Retain this manual, and any product related literature for review by all personnel operating or supervising the operation of this equipment.

  • Follow the Installation, Operating, and Safety Instructions in this Manual.
  • Wear protective garments, splash protection, eye protection and respirators, as required.
  • Always check chemical and thermal compatibility of Housing Material, O-Rings, Gaskets, and Media with the fluid being filtered. Consult a liquid compatibility guide or ask your local dealer. Fluid compatibility includes all materials in contact with the liquid under elevated pressures and temperatures.
  • Before pressurizing a Filter Vessel, always make sure you have fastened the Lid Hardware.
  • O-Rings are subject to wear and should be checked each time the Filter Vessel is opened. Replace O- rings prior to pressurization of the Filter Vessel. Be certain that the O-Ring material is both chemically and thermally compatible with the fluid being filtered.
  • Always relieve pressure to the system before loosening the Lid Hardware or opening the Vessel Lid.
  • In certain operating environments, static electrical charges or sparks may cause combustion or explosion of volatile materials. Properly ground equipment, as required.
  • Removing Filter Media from packaging may produce static electrical sparks. To avoid risk of combustion or explosion, never open static packaging in or around areas containing potentially flammable or explosive materials, liquids or gases.
  • Disposal of Filter Media: A Filter Bag that has been used with a hazardous liquid may contain residual amounts of this material and should be handled with the same safeguards that would be used in handling hazardous and/or toxic material. Dispose of Media in accordance with Federal, State, and/or Local laws or requirements.

Improper use of Filter Vessels may result in injury or property damage. Any misuse or modification to our products will void both the manufacturer’s warranty as well as the ASME certification of ASME Code Vessels. Safety Information does not by itself eliminate any danger. Information or warnings are not a substitute for proper accident prevention measures.

Lethal Service

Filtration Systems Vessels are not designed for Lethal Service. “Lethal Service” refers to Vessels containing lethal substances, poisonous gases, or liquids of such a nature that a very small amount of the gas or vapor of the liquid (mixed or unmixed) is dangerous to life when inhaled. In addition, substances of this nature that are stored under pressure, or may generate pressure if stored in a closed Vessel, are considered lethal.